Tibial Osteotomy Surgery in Turkey


What is High Tibial Osteotomy Surgery?

It is a surgery on the upper part of the leg bone (tibia) to correct leg curvature. In this operation, the leg bone is brought to the desired angle with a controlled bone incision. Afterwards, it is fixed with plates and screws.

High tibial osteotomy (HTO) surgery is basically performed for two purposes. 

The first of these is, to stop and reverse the meniscus and cartilage wear caused by leg curvature.

The second purpose is to correct curvatures such as knocked legs or bow legs.

HTO surgery requires an average of 1 day of hospitalization. The patients can be mobilized with support 1 day after the surgery. They can walk without support approximately 4-6 weeks after the surgery.


In What Cases is High Tibial Osteotomy Surgery Performed?

Correct selection of patients is very important for the success of high tibial osteotomy (HTO) surgery. When performed with the correct indication, HTO is an operation that gives extremely good results. 

The main indication is meniscus damage or the development of early stage knee arthritis, due to leg curvature. Thus, pain is reduced and a more functional joint is achieved.

Apart from this, HTO also provides satisfactory solution for the patient group who has aesthetic concerns due to leg curvature. 


How is High Tibial Osteotomy Surgery Performed?

High tibial osteotomy surgery; is a technical operation that requires extremely good preoperative planning. It must be performed by surgeons who have experience and talent in this field.

The operation is performed with a device called Fluoroscopy that provides simultaneous imaging.

According to the structure and anatomy of the leg curvature; an incision is made just 3-4 cm below the knee joint, on the inner or outer part of the tibia bone, and the leg is brought to the desired angle. After the alignment is checked by fluoroscopy and deemed appropriate; plate and screw fixation is applied to the bone.


What are the Complications of High Tibial Osteotomy Surgery?

Although complication rates are low, some complications may occur in HTO surgery. 

The first and most important of these are complications related to anesthesia. 

Apart from this, surgical complications such as infection and bone nonunion may also occur. Additionally, rare complications such as vascular nerve injury and plaque irritation may occur.

In case such a complication develops; it can be resolved with proactive action and appropriate treatment.

In order to reduce complication rates and quickly resolve developing complications; It would be correct that these operations to be carried out by experienced surgical teams.


Is Physical Therapy Necessary After High Tibial Osteotomy Surgery?

After high tibial osteotomy surgery; physiotherapy has a very important place in terms of recovery and return to daily life. 

Leg anatomy and alignment changes after HTO surgery. Joint and muscle structures must also adapt quickly to this new situation. In this context, physical therapy has a very important place. According to this; immediately after the operation, the patient begins in-bed exercises.

The patient is mobilized one day after the operation. As the wounds heal on the 15th day, the rate of physiotherapy should be increased and continued for approximately 2 months.


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